Things NOT to do in Dubai

Things NOT to do in Dubai

Dubai is a city known for its luxury, glamour, and modernity. However, there are certain things that visitors should be aware of to ensure they have a smooth and enjoyable experience. In this article, we will discuss five things NOT to do in Dubai.

1. Public Displays of Affection

In Dubai, public displays of affection are considered disrespectful and can even land you in trouble with the authorities. For example, kissing, hugging, or holding hands in public is not acceptable, especially in conservative areas or during Ramadan. It is important to respect the local culture and customs by keeping your relationships private while in public.

2. Alcohol Consumption in Public

Although alcohol is available in Dubai, it is not tolerated in public areas. Drinking alcohol in public places, such as parks, beaches, or streets, can lead to fines or legal consequences. It is important to consume alcohol only in licensed venues, such as hotels, restaurants, or bars. Additionally, public intoxication is also frowned upon and can result in legal trouble.

3. Swearing or Using Foul Language

Dubai is a city known for its cleanliness and respect for others. Swearing or using foul language in public is considered rude and offensive. It is important to watch your language and be mindful of your behavior, especially when interacting with locals or in formal settings. Using respectful language and gestures will help you avoid any misunderstandings or confrontations.

4. Dressing Inappropriately

Dubai is a city with a diverse population and a mix of cultures. However, it is important to dress modestly and respect the local dress code. Revealing clothing, such as short skirts, low-cut tops, or tight outfits, is not acceptable in public areas. It is important to cover your shoulders, knees, and cleavage when visiting malls, markets, or other public places. Failure to dress appropriately may result in unwanted attention or negative reactions from locals.

5. Taking Photographs without Permission

Dubai is a city with strict privacy laws, especially when it comes to taking photographs. It is important to respect people’s privacy and ask for permission before taking their pictures. Taking photos of government buildings, military installations, or airports is strictly prohibited and can lead to legal consequences. It is also important to avoid photographing locals without their consent, as this can be perceived as invasive or disrespectful.


Dubai is a city that prides itself on its hospitality, tolerance, and modernity. By being aware of these five things NOT to do in Dubai, visitors can ensure they have a smooth and enjoyable experience while respecting the local culture and customs. It is important to be respectful, considerate, and mindful of your behavior to avoid any misunderstandings or conflicts during your stay in Dubai.

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